I started my professional career by studying not art but at first archeology and then philosophy. During several years I participated in group exhibitions of abstract paintings while writing a Phd thesis at the LMU Munich about the question, how and why the existence of art is intrinsically related to the question of truth.

When I finally started to work as a professional artist, my work  was based on the Platonic assumption that art had to represent something or some Idea. Living in Moscow between 1991 and 1998),  I worked on abstract oil paintings that were meant to express my subjective feelings about the objective world I lived in.

Later, while I stayed in Vienna (1999-2015), I produced and exhibited  multifaceted series  of conceptual paintings, installations and objects, and I interfered with artistic and philosophical interventions in the urban life of Vienna. I wanted my art to be an image of certain range of social and intellectual questions that haunted me.

It is only from 2015 on that I have been focused on the holistic function of art, and on the fact that this metaphysically therapeutical  purpose can be the sole content of artistic expression.

While I have been living for the last 5 years under the soft tropics on La Réunion,  I am now based in Paris, where life is tougher again, and I am positive to being able to develop this approach even further and in a deeper way.

in Vienna, Austria, I am represented by the galerie Julius Hummel:

150 x 130

KATHERINA in MOZAÏK # 1interview in the first edition of the monthly Mozaik

april 2021, exhibition SENSATION


some exhibition pics:

and naturally my work is inspired

by all the intensive adventures of LIFE

and the magic of its discoveries

former times: installations and objects, Vienna

long ago: some  exhibition - pics, Vienna